Sunday, September 20, 2009
In a River
Locks too many here left open for the metal shoe lost in there elsewhere automatic bad driving. Panel after another shock of red hair electric pulse in two dimensions, without your awkward gait in corporate parking lots. A lot of caffeine. Locks to play with or position in a sitting with him, move toward with permission. For those involved, joking about waves before he says good-bye. More confusing as a matter of fact to be before the pavement. The metal rim, its edges to notice. How can we talk so much with these stones in our mouths. Fleeting sink into black eyes, I always see traces of geography in the sky. As it was being written, they were afraid to do so in stone. To return to daylight, these are times it is incomprehensible, grasping. Cut from you as you long to have it grown. He worries about this being merely a consumption of images. Stay where you were. It's a matter of elision, the structure of thought. Then again, we could have been lost completely. Walking through empty neighborhoods. Eventually, copper wire generates a voice that sounds just like mine. Finally & so it is to be away from the noise. A light filtering in as I walk away. The fact is that a spider will do anything but waste time. Walking toward as it is away from. "Love is the message." This is not unidirectional. I think it may be the Milky Way rising but its nature is resolved otherwise. I have never known what to look for. It's nostalgia that is dangerous. Locked into a deadness that colors itself bland & disinterested. I end up losing more things. The cold scrutiny of car windows at night. Have a time that is troubling, worrisome. Then again, model trains. Everywhere I go, I leave a trail of smoke.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Reflecting any other time, a person left inside a glass machine becomes its own chrysalis. A membranous verse, touching up against other verses. Something please palatable to the eye. This sense of the sublime rushing up against ocean waves. So many ways to obscure a text if it's face faces. How much of time is allotted to red lights, toilets, a bed. This is common stuff for those who care to listen. I am closer than before, though further if it means anything. I like the way you move your muscles toward me. Outside, a cat with white paws, sturdier against winters here. It's a dilemma of will, as in to that with which within at and its spine. You throw a snake into water and reference dips into fish mouths, baubles to catch up with you, to be alluring and filled with smoke. Stuck with it, we move with it. Space collapses into time, and they emerge simple, clean-lined. It feels a lot like Christmas, with its rounded edges and its concern for familiarity. Who else could conceive it? Gregarious, today is the day he is going to die. Memories in a marble egg. Il ajouta avec confiance. Liars' lips move perfectly. There is a seam running down my center, rubs itself worn and comes unraveled. As it is an imperfect thing.
Another time to reflect, to one glass left in the machine is unique pupate. Poetry film is touching up against other poems. Please something pleasing to the eye. Ocean waves rush against this mean sublime. Therefore, it faces many ways the face of ambiguous text. How long red light, toilet, bed assigned. What is common to hear these people to care. Than before I close, though further, it means nothing. How to move your muscles at me. Feet white for winter, strong, out of the cats here. Their dilemma, and as it has in its backbone. The mouth of the fish you catch up a little something for you, full of smoke and throw the snake into the water and dip it an attractive reference. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of cosmic time, they will appear simple and clean lined. This knowledge and rounded edge, worried that feels a lot like Christmas. I would imagine anyone else? Colonies today is the day that he would die. Marble Egg memories. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. I ran a seam where the center itself, understanding it is rubbing wear. As is incomplete.
When another one of the two machines will be reflected in the glass left a unique pupate. Film poems, poems that touch the opposition of others. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea, the rush for this noble meaning. So, face the face of the text is ambiguous in many ways. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. What these people is common to worry about people listening to. Before the close, though, also what it means. I go to how your muscles. Leg of a cat, winter, strong, white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of that company. The mouth of the fish you catch up a little something to throw the snake into the water completely and smoke, dip a fascinating reference. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse time of the universe, they simply appear clean line. Is this knowledge and rounded edges that feel more like Christmas, I worry. I would imagine, anyone? Today is the day of the colony to die. Memories of a marble egg. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. I run a seam here, but the center is to understand the friction and wear. As is incomplete.
When, one by one to the left of two unique pupate in the glass will be reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Ocean waves are in a hurry this sublime meaning. Because the text is ambiguous in many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These people from the general public is listening to the concerns of many people. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Something completely smoke or throw the snake into the water, and dip into his mouth to catch up with an attractive see the fish. Stack it, we move with it. Decay of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. Who do I think? Colonial era to die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Running the center seam wear and friction is to understand where I am. As is incomplete.
When you are, one by one to two glasses to the left of one unique pupate is reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea in a hurry is the meaning of this noble cause. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These people from the general public we have a lot of people listening to the concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Throw the snake into the water full of smoke or something down to catch up with more attractive to fish in his mouth. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think with? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Friction and wear a center seam running is to understand where I am. As is incomplete.
When, glasses 1:59 minutes, one to the left of one unique pupate is reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea in a hurry, and this means a noble cause. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These ordinary people with a lot of people listen to our concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Catch a fish in his mouth more attractive snakes throw something completely smoke or water. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Is to understand where I am running the center seam friction and wear. As is incomplete.
When the glasses 1:59 minutes left one by one becomes a pupa will be reflected in unique one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea in a hurry, which means this noble aim. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These ordinary people a lot of people we listen to our concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. More attractive fish to catch snakes in his mouth and throws something completely smoke and water. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Here, I perform is to understand friction and wear and center seam. As is incomplete.
Glass at 1:59, one by one unique chrysalis on the left will be reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Means a noble cause in a hurry, the waves of the sea. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These are people who listen to the concerns of many ordinary people. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. To catch a snake in his mouth more attractive fish to throw something completely smoke and water. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Here, friction and wear running, is to understand the center seam. As is incomplete.
Glass 1:59 minutes, one of the left one in the pupa is reflected in one unique machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Noble way in a hurry and ocean waves. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These people are ordinary people who listen to concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Catch the fish more attractive snakes throw something completely smoke and water in his mouth. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Here, running wear, friction is to understand the center seam. As is incomplete.
Another time to reflect, to one glass left in the machine is unique pupate. Poetry film is touching up against other poems. Please something pleasing to the eye. Ocean waves rush against this mean sublime. Therefore, it faces many ways the face of ambiguous text. How long red light, toilet, bed assigned. What is common to hear these people to care. Than before I close, though further, it means nothing. How to move your muscles at me. Feet white for winter, strong, out of the cats here. Their dilemma, and as it has in its backbone. The mouth of the fish you catch up a little something for you, full of smoke and throw the snake into the water and dip it an attractive reference. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of cosmic time, they will appear simple and clean lined. This knowledge and rounded edge, worried that feels a lot like Christmas. I would imagine anyone else? Colonies today is the day that he would die. Marble Egg memories. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. I ran a seam where the center itself, understanding it is rubbing wear. As is incomplete.
When another one of the two machines will be reflected in the glass left a unique pupate. Film poems, poems that touch the opposition of others. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea, the rush for this noble meaning. So, face the face of the text is ambiguous in many ways. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. What these people is common to worry about people listening to. Before the close, though, also what it means. I go to how your muscles. Leg of a cat, winter, strong, white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of that company. The mouth of the fish you catch up a little something to throw the snake into the water completely and smoke, dip a fascinating reference. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse time of the universe, they simply appear clean line. Is this knowledge and rounded edges that feel more like Christmas, I worry. I would imagine, anyone? Today is the day of the colony to die. Memories of a marble egg. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. I run a seam here, but the center is to understand the friction and wear. As is incomplete.
When, one by one to the left of two unique pupate in the glass will be reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Ocean waves are in a hurry this sublime meaning. Because the text is ambiguous in many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These people from the general public is listening to the concerns of many people. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Something completely smoke or throw the snake into the water, and dip into his mouth to catch up with an attractive see the fish. Stack it, we move with it. Decay of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. Who do I think? Colonial era to die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Running the center seam wear and friction is to understand where I am. As is incomplete.
When you are, one by one to two glasses to the left of one unique pupate is reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea in a hurry is the meaning of this noble cause. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These people from the general public we have a lot of people listening to the concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Throw the snake into the water full of smoke or something down to catch up with more attractive to fish in his mouth. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think with? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Friction and wear a center seam running is to understand where I am. As is incomplete.
When, glasses 1:59 minutes, one to the left of one unique pupate is reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea in a hurry, and this means a noble cause. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These ordinary people with a lot of people listen to our concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Catch a fish in his mouth more attractive snakes throw something completely smoke or water. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Is to understand where I am running the center seam friction and wear. As is incomplete.
When the glasses 1:59 minutes left one by one becomes a pupa will be reflected in unique one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Waves of the sea in a hurry, which means this noble aim. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These ordinary people a lot of people we listen to our concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. More attractive fish to catch snakes in his mouth and throws something completely smoke and water. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Here, I perform is to understand friction and wear and center seam. As is incomplete.
Glass at 1:59, one by one unique chrysalis on the left will be reflected in one machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Means a noble cause in a hurry, the waves of the sea. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These are people who listen to the concerns of many ordinary people. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. To catch a snake in his mouth more attractive fish to throw something completely smoke and water. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Here, friction and wear running, is to understand the center seam. As is incomplete.
Glass 1:59 minutes, one of the left one in the pupa is reflected in one unique machine. Poetry film poem, please do not touch the other opposition parties. Please something pleasing to the eye. Noble way in a hurry and ocean waves. Because the text is ambiguous on many faces. How much red light, toilet, bed assigned. These people are ordinary people who listen to concerns. Before closing, however, what it means. I will go to your muscles. Cat, winter, strong legs and white here. Their dilemma has been the backbone of the company. Catch the fish more attractive snakes throw something completely smoke and water in his mouth. Stack it, we move with it. Collapse of the universe, they simply appear clean lines. With this knowledge, rounded feel like Christmas, I worry. What do you think? Colonial die today. Memories marble eggs. Il ajouta avec confiance. Go to the full lips of a liar. Here, running wear, friction is to understand the center seam. As is incomplete.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Reflect a glass as machine
left inside any other
I here. its
chrysalis. A membranous verse, touching up against other allotted verses.
Outside, , sturdier
to the eye.
Something please palatable So many text if its face faces. How much of time
is, with toilets, a bed. This is common stuff for those who care to listen
closer than before like the way you move your muscles toward me.
It's a dilemma of will against winters,
as in to that which within at with and and its spine.
You throw ing a snake into water and reference dips into fish mouths, baubles
to catch up with you, to be alluring
filled with ways to obscure a smoke. we move with it. Stuck with it, Space
collapses into time, and they emerge simple, clean-lined. It feels a lot like
it’s rounded edges
and a person to red lights a cat with white paws
its concern for familiarity. Who else could conceive it? Gregarious, Christmas.
I am today is the day he is going to die.
Memories in a marble egg.
down my center, rubs itself
This sense of the sublime, rushing up against ocean waves.
Il ajouta avec confiance.
Liars' lips move perfectly. There is a seam running worn and comes unraveled.
As it is an imperfect thing.
becomes, though further if it means anything.
Reflecting any other time, a person left inside a glass machine becomes its own chrysalis. A membranous verse, touching up against other verses. Something please palatable to the eye. This sense of the sublime rushing up against ocean waves. So many ways to obscure a text if it's face faces. How much of time is allotted to red lights, toilets, a bed. This is common stuff for those who care to listen. I am closer than before, though further if it means anything. I like the way you move your muscles toward me. Outside, a cat with white paws, sturdier against winters here. It's a dilemma of will, as in to that with which within at and its spine. You throw a snake into water and reference dips into fish mouths, baubles to catch up with you, to be alluring and filled with smoke. Stuck with it, we move with it. Space collapses into time, and they emerge simple, clean-lined. It feels a lot like Christmas, with its rounded edges and its concern for familiarity. Who else could conceive it? Gregarious, today is the day he is going to die. Memories in a marble egg. Il ajouta avec confiance. Liars' lips move perfectly. There is a seam running down my center, rubs itself worn and comes unraveled. As it is an imperfect thing.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
In the , a
the, it
to, a
from all this,
a ,these things that
The a
--its it's.
There is a of
of its
, out
it this
none of which
as though
of itself
into an other
the of, to
it a
though it
Silent Unclear
I believed it to be a stack of things already written. How subtle a metaphor.
To be written in the blood, a den of thieves pertaining to the night. A bit more
is needed--never found, such
as language is/its/cent/er/of/grav/ity/in/di/vid/u/al/ly/ga/ther/
ed/or/we/'re/ga/ther/ed--in it. And it's true what they say:
never deny something open--
language is the vehicle of itself. Climb up the ladder.
Here is something more than instinct. Could we ask if
that were possible. Together again. A riddle, a somber
pressing weight. Meaning isn't carried over. Even as it
tends toward relations. Every word is every word, stripped
of community.
there is another angle here). Such is the way of heat. The trail
of a mirage.
N i g h t time is empty.
All this preoccupation with organization. Another four billion
to wipe it clean.
"It depends on how nuanced."
parallels may there be? From a revealed
source, a calm nuclear fissure.
Sent out a little messenger, chain to chain, up against a wall.
I as an element of the total writing of society. Incorporated.
A nod to the message received. Falsify any number of. The sum of
rupture, the o holy left omitted. Documents. A distinction between
object and sense datum. Ultimately its mechanisms orient the work toward
a justification. Not as itself. Known for its plasticity.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Make it
or break it How do you go about writing a life
it or living a life you don't want
vote for thrust your pelvis into the air.
efficiency of writing writing devolves the more tired you get.
Negro totem place a marker We're ready for the bonbons.
phallic image fop it to the margin Change the world as you change
buttressed in its casing just as the subject.
sausage lives with a rice queen
XYZ with your faggots Emma You've lost some
"I need a valium." couldn't weight, porkchop.
care Hat period.
Olympia Dukakis' tongue less Feed me a cheese
sub iecto TV antennae let's have sex again
(from) under to come up call my bluff
Bing or coral reef
Crosby a lot somewhere
is empty
I'll go get your poop. When did you finally decide to
Fresh-squeezed orange juice give in? Symmetry is nature
& the chance to win millions 's allusion. Lift it up
Make a fly trap & tilt it.
hang it on the wall Shift your stance & you'll see.
What are you doing in this city Pensive, naked, indulging
with its colorful edifice pitched the average baby weighs six
against a sky as obdurate as a pounds eight ounces.
walrus defending its pups? African princess.
Yes that was a question. I'm a waiter.
Sell a vitamin Wear a wineglass, spread it open.
make it look like something else.
I have to go.
Sanka or french press.
I may be pregnant.
I know.
Double breasted jacket It's a waste of time.
warmer in southern tropes Irrevocably irreparable
Capricorn speedo assailant or something comparable.
Name the nature of composition
Back pocket
there is the note I left you.
Friday, May 8, 2009
It as it
A poem (to) (that) walks
on water
It as it
relates to sight, sound
makes a felt as object
but then switches.
The guide is not philosophy
It's time to begin thinking
about your retirement plan.
This book is running out
of pages.
Make is left or right.
It's as if it's as now or later,
as it's a little dream
a little smaller
it's complicated
Increased complexity in a system
need not necessitate increased complexity.
Sentence as
The poet worries about its size
but it's of average length.
Attendant to each
thought is thought
This is nothing
new as it is
under the sun.
Attached so deeply
to the image.
Enact daily rituals.
My hand. Put in a bit
of physical labor.
Use your magic wand to
walk along a grid, pud-
dles, treetops
sore muscles
all this in one day, move
forward & backward, or
Up & down, flight of
stairs is an odd
selves, too. Do
you want paper or plastic?
In Progress
An infinite logic
undiluted by form
a bit of a question left
on parched lips
From city dweller to countryman
a thousand bells
tolling bits of memory
a unique presence schemata
To make something is to give over
left with a bit of
a question
This is instinct
listen to the rain outside
or else your face split
apart entirely.
Asking why is your order
granted in the midst of this chaos.
(as a
border under pressure of doubt, as a border in question)
Then suddenly middle-aged
from end to end
veins spread thin to be so enamored
If I think views
It's never where I
'd like it to be
It's hard to conceive of this
in English borrowing from myself
the sentence setsup dynamics of power
by necessity
thirst hunger
Into that disordered
field, a word alone
is every word or
something similarly situated
This is insistent
a promise?
a negotiable suture.
or otherwise
Boxes within boxes
be that as it may
if it's it's me
then a mystical
figure or a
virtue you
've got to be
kidding me.
be that as it may
if it's it's me
then a mystical
figure or a
virtue you
've got to be
kidding me.
Another Untitled
Public, all previous
that would prohibit historic
individuals, marking
opportunities for health
& opportunities.
I'm very pleased to
make a difference
during or expression as
the event.
Testimony, a quiet
a rival was teeming,
seeking, pleaded
now in the hands
the only witness.
These things could be a lot worse.
Or the proposal that language
has upset opponents
who think much more than
mere consideration in other matters
once used to affect.
If to recollect
to mean to put
things in a place.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thinking is the thought of what is or is thinking or just thinking,
or make it through. The words are tied up, in syntax to make it more
or less complicated like a vine that hangs
from nowhere lowered like a
parentheses to shunt off the cold or keep in a secret, make a too many
things to say
so separate, but be discrete about it.
Hardy har har.
He runs as though he
means it. All these scattered
lines like
such as rotting strawberries
or the sky
threatening to
burst open. All color.
The milk separates the
cinnamon, sugar
spiral in a bowl.
During or because
of the event, it’s all the same.
Terrified of linearity. We thank you for your patience.
Breaking with tradition was never easy for anyone because of its sheer
volume, or the way it always seemed to trace back or retract form
repeat as it focuses the question more on specificity than a variable
or exterior. Antecedents are yarrow sticks as well.
Should we be concerned with
the way punctuation
meanders but not
here only here and not here as though
one could see it in the mind.
Suffer from. Both
hands subjected to the same
Fate. Because tomorrow
we see what you’re
made of.
Somewhere Around
Made forcefully
the same across the nation.
affect this determination
based last week on “further remaining statutory
a violation of language
historically disfavored “similarly situated”
“equally suspect
with his “gut” against
strategic move.
“this is an issue that is intensely
personal, with strongly held beliefs and
convictions on both sides. But I am
“The outcome was not unexpected.
Worth Watching
forced to
a significant amount
lost its given service
not available elsewhere
,” she said “
a communication facility
a crossing guard in the furnishing
more than 10 years, faces numerous
The judge’s origin
the result of the public
outcry, “calm
the sex act
sneakers & clothing
underestimating gravity
working at a restaurant
possessing the corruption
of minors
one of whom
See News Briefing
who did not identify, however,
it somewhat important & about
not at all important
also may not have a universal meaning,
has gained momentum as the
is almost ingrained,”
part of urban vernacular
so sensationalized because people were grasping
for an explanation
how the individuals identify, and
that speculating
,” she said. “I think
wasting time
reflects men who are always
mean the desire for privacy or
discretion If you are not doing well
enroll in a new study.
Monetary compensation for your time & effort is provided.
Find help in the Home
revamping acceptance policies &
a media promotion weighing the creation
of spaces
use various communication channels,
with the goal of driving home
“He’s shocked. His feelings are hurt
deeply. He feels betrayed.”
“Such hate crimes are in desperate need of
of a federal response.
“Each year, first-hand
remove the existing requirement
during the offense
“enunciate clearly
any American will no
longer be tolerated
“madefun” of him because he is
gay and his hair is gray,
has affiliates around
the globe, women;
has allocated more
initiatives since its 1982 inception.
“There are many health
disparities, coping with life—
threatening & in our
communication with
it became redoubled
its efforts apparent
has seen an increase
in these populations “It just
seemed a natural
type of program for us
a full week’s worth of
meals every week
“We’re trying to raise awareness
about the impact and risk of
Healthy Teeth
& Gums
It was just the animals
coming out of hibernation, just
as we all are.
kind of put underneath the rug &
nothing happened.
countless firsts.
experience the multitude of ‘I
offerings want to find a way
to get the community more involved
in the zoo,’"
The zoo’s been phenomenally
responsive, flexible and attentive.
The plants are all in bloom &
You heart the world.
some people are still pinching themselves
“a non-existent
problem.” was
bogged down in the bog.
a light at the end of the tunnel is a light, no
matter how faint.
Ideas suitable for flushing.
That’s right: Texas should be next.
new broom sweeps mean.
he was no longer privy to what went
on. He wanted to install a robotic toilet
near the gay beach at a deterrent.
Robo-john as robo-cop.
Tell us what you think.
I don’t have to tell you
that a certain substance hit the fan.
At the height of the flap,
truth swirls right down the drain.
Letters may
be edited for clarity, style and space
A funny story I haven’t told before:
“It has no appeal to
me. I’m old-fashioned
when it comes to
dating. Friendship has
to happen before I get
involved with someone
romantically. And I
don’t find my friends
on the Internet. But I’m
not being judgmental.
To each his own.”
the quoted phrase a requirement
for an equal protection violation
“righteous anger
coupled with effective action.”
In the opinion, the justices
also postured
exhaustive, well-thought-out.
“All of us have made
our voices heard
we may be able to live
our happily-ever-after sooner than
we think.”
An area of main concern is rectal
The banner declared,
no one has claimed the bodies or
Absolutely no cost to
you if you qualify.
In another incident,
helping relationships and individuals
move forward
“Puppies” is a derogatory
local word
agents of immorality are
busy using all lies and deceptions
to hurt our society.
the country – will consider a
City to market
complimentary food and
New Construction
will be on hand.
Restrictions and limitations apply.
the DAY unfolds
like a challenging road that
raises the essential question:
Can we talk?
he’s interested in the complexities
I had a big life
“Normally it is either
done a lot of tortured souls
a departure
from the roles he normally takes,
I’ve enjoyed that kind of
moral ambivalence.
His use
of language is
People say what they mean.
There’s not a stray word.
‘a lean fist of a play.’
It’s exactly
what it is.
It’ll be interesting to see
what shape it takes.
It’s a whole different kind of math
to do that. They’re two different
“It’s like two sides of the same
thing,” he said. “It’s like a
different language and terms. My
job is to bring emotional honesty
to whatever the writing
offers up.
political awakening, a chance encounter
Follow what happens
by necessity and by choice
escapist theme
lives that
intertwine on
occasion. It
makes sense
Excitement for the event
has been building
for weeks
the line between life
and work begins to disappear
Simply insert your preferences
and let the program do the rest.
you locate the
hottest spots once the sun goes
the revolutionary aspects
--and there are many—have
allowed it to succeed in the
oversaturated cell phone market.
Do you collect anything?
Pigs; I’m really fond of pigs.
I remember she once
said, “I feel as if you are lay-
ing on a train track and a train
is coming and you’re not tied
down, you’re perfectly free to
get up and move and you’re not
doing it.”
who’s going to?
It was a very
warm, very friendly place and
I enjoyed it tremendously, but
I was in the process of sort-
ing out who I was at the time.
I lived two lives and they were
both good.
there is something
--something that goes into the
the image of
God. I believe we can get there.
Paradigms do shift.
There are
considerable tensions
crazy plot logic
Inspiring sight through the glory of sound
--recognize as
“They’re two completely
different, self-contained
it really required an
adjustment of mindset, sometime
almost instantaneously
‘Tell,’ and thought
They’re both concerned with how
Spit from the
as though the were an infant
rind, the pit, of a peach
to name it if we must, the elusive little
four or three, calling from woods, or
with the teeth of beautiful geese.
Make of me a beggar & I will
Chewing gum is lovely, subject or
You can use a word to.
Make of me.
Papier mâché.
Filled with glace or teeth again to chew with with
which to feed. Repetition at its
finest is chewing gum.
How comical! really, he speaks
or else his hands.
Two voices, really, listening,
or yours, straining up above the other heads.
You’re so clever!
Figure it out.
Pull a yarn or a
stitch a pair of hands up.
You have two
hands for a reason.
There must be more to this life
than this world has to offer.
Take it all
as an apostrophe.
Lift it up.
Have you noticed lately how often
the moon goes soughing across?
The sky
open as a fist to allow
Maybe if it had
all been weighted differently.
There would be a
deeper explanation.
Watch meaning as
it drifts away from you.
What it means.
Or else
all as was
still is.
How memory inhabits
or too emotional,
Notice direction of wind because it’s carrying
something in it
you need.
Shift the
car into park.
Let the river overwhelm you.
Write something more substantial.
Tell me a secret about.
I listened twice to
many strings that plucked themselves silly
or meaningless, like a metaphor.
The sot king sits
sot, hiccupping.
All these little things like contrails,
mapping out, or.
Racing, rewriting.
After all, that’s what a map
is for.
as though the were an infant
rind, the pit, of a peach
to name it if we must, the elusive little
four or three, calling from woods, or
with the teeth of beautiful geese.
Make of me a beggar & I will
Chewing gum is lovely, subject or
You can use a word to.
Make of me.
Papier mâché.
Filled with glace or teeth again to chew with with
which to feed. Repetition at its
finest is chewing gum.
How comical! really, he speaks
or else his hands.
Two voices, really, listening,
or yours, straining up above the other heads.
You’re so clever!
Figure it out.
Pull a yarn or a
stitch a pair of hands up.
You have two
hands for a reason.
There must be more to this life
than this world has to offer.
Take it all
as an apostrophe.
Lift it up.
Have you noticed lately how often
the moon goes soughing across?
The sky
open as a fist to allow
Maybe if it had
all been weighted differently.
There would be a
deeper explanation.
Watch meaning as
it drifts away from you.
What it means.
Or else
all as was
still is.
How memory inhabits
or too emotional,
Notice direction of wind because it’s carrying
something in it
you need.
Shift the
car into park.
Let the river overwhelm you.
Write something more substantial.
Tell me a secret about.
I listened twice to
many strings that plucked themselves silly
or meaningless, like a metaphor.
The sot king sits
sot, hiccupping.
All these little things like contrails,
mapping out, or.
Racing, rewriting.
After all, that’s what a map
is for.
Untitled Prose Piece 3
There is no one, to knowingly unknow, or put your palm on the table, fingers pawing at the sky, lessons in fortune-telling. Or something brutal, wind changing direction, weathervanes creaking under confusion. How do you do sincerity. Keep it all or disperse it. As if your lips moved when you spoke. Ask me a pointed question. Accuse me. A spoken word is not a thing in the world. Heavy & barbarous. Snakes in boiling water. Say the word ‘serpentine’ because it suits you. I came home from work to find you sleeping on the telephone. Arithmancy is not the study of numbers or anything. Answer the telephone. Tell me something good & kind & I promise to get a pen & not upset. Feign interest in my own feelings.
Untitled Prose Piece 2
I, or he, only me again, which is always funny & very sad. Someone taking many pictures, any other day, a hawk with a pigeon in its claws, waiting to eat but for this spectacle. How interesting! he says into your red beard. Maybe it’s a metaphor & you’re the pigeon, because that would be clever!
He standing or gerundive, present to others & it really all is very relational. Make your way through it, or throw a party, make a map of it. He sitting, looking studious or drawing doodles on the margin. How many times can he say it or live through it. We are the spectators to his grand decisions. Don’t be the one to decide, be elsewhere or other times because I’ve lived it all before. Don’t you know already that these stories are like buttonholes. Don’t ask me another question. The sheer joy & panic of contemplation, or retribution. Make it a hyphen. People do interesting things all the time. How it feels to remember, an array of enzymes, furtive. Put it in a letter. I put it in a letter. How can you say that to me. Push the envelope.
My, it got cold out! Every day at the park, doing the pedestrian thing. Sing into his beard, sitting in the park. I have to be careful with my language so I use somebody else’s & we’re going to sit here until something happens. Staring into the dark mouth of the evening, wondering after effect & cause. All of this so vague & present tense. Take that however you’d like.
The role of knowledge, like a suitor or tailor, making measurements, asking how it can be so. Relevant, to ask another question. Written in small script like a riddle like a pictogram. Cover it with snow. Take it with you as you walk away. How do you carry a question, in your hands, cradled & swathed in pink fabrics or with the teeth, like steam or a bug in your mouth. I find it terribly difficult to talk about death.
If we go out walking now, the moon will just sit there. Could we ask if that were possible? Whispering the secret, sitting in the park. A different one & one, or together again. Stitched at the seam of your face in his hands just as a question on stale breath lingers in his beard. It’s a bit like someone having food on their face or in their teeth. You feel embarrassed for them but not enough of motivation to tell.
Terrorizing light & color shifts from the television. Instinct, or, at least, the thought of it. Don’t give up on me just yet, he says, wait for the next full moon, he says, let memory be what milks your future, draws it out as through a silkworm, he says, though we both know it won’t budge. The Masoretes put letters into things.
Think it through, walk against a yellow light. The pavement shudders. Or was it the sense of tension in the air, tight like a fist, what are you going to love? I’m listening, rapt at the door. Such a thing is geometric, you with your lilt & awkward nose. I always said it made you look Jewish. This is no fairy tale, writing about predation, hawks waiting to eat. Was it you told me the crackling electricity in the city is enticing? Crossing a room. I’ve no idea how it works. Or if it should.
He standing or gerundive, present to others & it really all is very relational. Make your way through it, or throw a party, make a map of it. He sitting, looking studious or drawing doodles on the margin. How many times can he say it or live through it. We are the spectators to his grand decisions. Don’t be the one to decide, be elsewhere or other times because I’ve lived it all before. Don’t you know already that these stories are like buttonholes. Don’t ask me another question. The sheer joy & panic of contemplation, or retribution. Make it a hyphen. People do interesting things all the time. How it feels to remember, an array of enzymes, furtive. Put it in a letter. I put it in a letter. How can you say that to me. Push the envelope.
My, it got cold out! Every day at the park, doing the pedestrian thing. Sing into his beard, sitting in the park. I have to be careful with my language so I use somebody else’s & we’re going to sit here until something happens. Staring into the dark mouth of the evening, wondering after effect & cause. All of this so vague & present tense. Take that however you’d like.
The role of knowledge, like a suitor or tailor, making measurements, asking how it can be so. Relevant, to ask another question. Written in small script like a riddle like a pictogram. Cover it with snow. Take it with you as you walk away. How do you carry a question, in your hands, cradled & swathed in pink fabrics or with the teeth, like steam or a bug in your mouth. I find it terribly difficult to talk about death.
If we go out walking now, the moon will just sit there. Could we ask if that were possible? Whispering the secret, sitting in the park. A different one & one, or together again. Stitched at the seam of your face in his hands just as a question on stale breath lingers in his beard. It’s a bit like someone having food on their face or in their teeth. You feel embarrassed for them but not enough of motivation to tell.
Terrorizing light & color shifts from the television. Instinct, or, at least, the thought of it. Don’t give up on me just yet, he says, wait for the next full moon, he says, let memory be what milks your future, draws it out as through a silkworm, he says, though we both know it won’t budge. The Masoretes put letters into things.
Think it through, walk against a yellow light. The pavement shudders. Or was it the sense of tension in the air, tight like a fist, what are you going to love? I’m listening, rapt at the door. Such a thing is geometric, you with your lilt & awkward nose. I always said it made you look Jewish. This is no fairy tale, writing about predation, hawks waiting to eat. Was it you told me the crackling electricity in the city is enticing? Crossing a room. I’ve no idea how it works. Or if it should.
Untitled Prose Piece 1
The face is where words come from. Such that they can never be repeated. Such that the world turns & we’re going so quickly. Such that you’re out a-walking in the premature dusk of winter. People do interesting things all the time. Make that a large. It is so adjudicated. Or, throw oneself completely into. Long in the tooth, grasping at straws. How it bleeds into you. At, to, in. You drive me there, he says a bedroom. There’s a bed or a body with no heat. Let’s not be so literal. Do it laterally; stretch the page to make a fist or your mouth to sing a song. I thought your music could do it. Make it merry & traipse so heavily. Sheets of ice on the road. I could sing out in cigarette ash, all the hymns in your book. Come up with a melody, take it under the sheets with you. I have learned to listen for the sound of his hands manipulating fabric. No sense in unknowing. The smell of smoke but let’s rest a while longer. You set yourself on fire, waiting for the bus, or walking in clothes that weren’t yours, ignited by a lie, neighbors yelling & yucking it up. In fact, I lost my appetite for fish years ago. Your hand (stops signs) a stop sign a signal –make a way through it, to let it through. Or a ticker tape parade, confetti cascades, obscures distances. How could we cross the field if it was so dark out. Just follow the path, avoid pitfalls. Who is the who saying, what? Or what? At midnight, progress slowly. In bed, hold fast to the parallax of his figure moving away.
Something of an apple blossom or dust co-mingling with breath. Underneath, a root rot. Stab it in the heart, why don’t you. Or meticulously catalogue its fibers. Breathe in, breath out. As you walk along, think of crisis or sing a jingle from the TV & all the ways of forcing a thing into the mind. At seven, have a birthday party. Golden arches. Less than simply something but not nothing, no thing. Notice the curl, the angle or angular presence of letters. Write something down. These are not directives. Whistling all the way to the bank & home again to have fast-moving hands & a violin. We could say he came back yesterday or that he never left & either case would be true. Terminals, bathrooms, walking heavy. I felt that same nagging lack, always nibbling at my ear. I left your keys in the mailbox. Going or staying? Sunlight in through on an angle, notice the dust motes, swirling. Skin cells. You left or I did, staid, stayed stationary, all would be true. Sing a jingle, play the notes out. We met over coffee with all of this capital between us. I moved but I stayed right exactly where I was if movement is emotion. You moved, that is true. Look at a tree, notice how splendid brachiation. Howler monkeys, lemurs, all mammals owe it to the wet nurse. If I said any of it, or if you did. Friendship ties one & one. Romance stitches. All is on a rhythm but not a schedule & that distinction bears all importance. Or a maple, elm touched with blight, gnarled, knotty. Bees buzzing mild winter. Everything we have only works until it doesn’t. Put down something sharp & small. Sing it out loud. Words you read are heard. Let’s make a day of it, why don’t we. All there is to say, hear said. Where one thought leads to another, a link with no connection. Foraging for berries is fun if you have no money. Or let’s talk about potable water instead. Posing for the camera, it’s all for posterity’s sake or the extension of memory. Not to be pedantic. Go ahead & try it. I saw a bird yesterday I’d never seen before, warbling at me, hesitant but trusting & that’s all there is to it. Look at it directly, all except the sun which slants now several degrees from where it was before. Dust motes caught momentarily by surprise, but not if you’re underground. Or better yet, go through the drive-thru. Step on it. He motions. He is motion. He does motion. Quick & quietly. A bramble, an underbrush. What is the name of those bugs who lay eggs in other insects? All for a feast, a rhythm. You let go of my hand because it was sweaty.
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